Refund My Ticket


  • Trouble with your luggages?

    , by

    When flying

    Airlines are responsible for any delay, loss or damages to checked-in baggage. Therefore, they have to indemnify the passenger for such event. The indemnification follows rather strict rules. Here is a synthesis so that we can help you being reimbursed in case of a problem.

    My luggage was delayed for a few days

    A bag is considered delayed when it’s not available at disembarkation but delivered to you later. If this delay have lead you to buy essential goods (underwear, toothpaste/toothbrush….) the airline have to reimburse you, upon receipt.

    You have to claim it within 21 days of the actual delivery of your baggage, by registered letter to the airline responsible for the delay. Beyond this timeline, your request could be rejected.


    In order to facilitate your claim, we recommend to contact the Airline desk, of the company who operated the last flight, at the airport where the delay occurred. The objective is to make the airline aware of the delayed luggage and open a complaint file with a reference number that shall be used to prove your request is genuine. Do not wait until the end of your vacations.

    My luggage was lost!

    If your luggage does not reach you within 21 days, or if the Airline declares it officially “lost”, you can claim reimbursement of your bag and your bag’s content.

    The reimbursement shall not exceed 1300€. It is calculated either based on receipt of what was in the luggage and for the luggage itself, or based on the weight of the luggage as it appears on your checked luggage receipt(20€ per Kg). Of course, most items being reimbursed upon receipt will face a discount versus their value as new.

    When the luggage is missing some airlines are providing you with essential goods or voucher to cover your basic needs, but they don’t have to do it.

    My luggage was damaged

    When collecting your bags on a belt if you see they have been damaged during the transport, you can ask for reimbursement of the luggage and/or the damaged goods.

    You have 7 days following the collection of luggage to write to the airline. To ease the reimbursement, it is essential to provide receipts for the goods damaged and the bag and a proof that your items were in good shape before travelling with the airline. Therefore, do not hesitate to take pictures of your bag and its content before checking-in.

    While riding on a train

    If my luggage are not checked in

    If your luggage is stolen or damaged, even if tagged, you are not eligible to indemnification as he remained under your surveillance. The train company is therefore not responsible as your bag was not part of the transport contract.

    If my luggage were checked in

    If you leave your luggage to the service “luggage delivery” or in case of oversized (bikes for example) you will be indemnified for loss or damage if you claim it by registered letter within three days.

    Should the rail company be responsible for the damage you should be indemnified up to 1245€. The indemnification will be based on the weight of the checked-in baggage.

    Good to know

    In case of damages, delayed or, cancelled home delivery, you have one year to claim for indemnification.


Some of your flights have been cancelled, overbooked or delayed in the past years?

You could be entitled to a compensation of up to €600!

Claim now!